Edit Script So Members Can See The Exact Time That An Offer Was Completed In Their History
An FYI for anyone like me who (for years) has wanted to allow members to see the exact time that an offer was completed in their history. See before & after. For me I edited the Points script _points_history and for the Cash script _members_history changed from {~$data.action|date_format~} to {~$data.action|date_format:"%b %e, %Y %l:%M %p"~} to get the screenshoted results.
A list of variables you can use are at https://www.w3schools.com/mysql/func_mysql_date_format.asp
How To Block Users On Specific Offer Walls With Shiftcode?
{~if {~$user.username~}=='Chris'~}
//Code for blocked user
//Code for everyone else
For multiple users with usernames Chris & Kathy where || means 'or'
{~if {~$user.username~}=='Chris' || {~$user.username~}=='Kathy'~}
//Code for blocked user(s)
//Code for everyone else
Free Backlink Generator, Search Engine Submission and Bulk Ping Service
Free Backlink Generator, Search Engine Submission and Bulk Ping ServiceIf you are looking for more traffic to your website(s)/Web Pages/Other URLs then this tool may help you with Backlinking, Submitting your site to search engines, etc.
Where can I get all this for FREE, you ask? Well, that would be online at a place called BulkLink.org at http://www.bulklink.org.
1. Once you arrive there, you will see this big box that you would use to either type or copy/past all your website(s)/Web Pages/Other URLs. However, if it is a referral URL or an URL with an "?", this tool will cut off everything behind the "?" so use an shorten URL too such as with Google at https://goo.gl.
2. Below the box on the left, you will be able to choose what search engines to submit your site(s) too.
3. Next to the second step, you can choose where to have your site(s) pinged.
4. Last step would be to choose the type of Backlinking your doing.
Next to the big box will show how many "Bulks". You may need to adjust your choices for the above settings because you cannot have more than 20.000 "Bulks" (Do not ask me what this means as I have no idea).
After you put in security code and click on submit, you can see it going to work right there in front of your eyes. Just keep that page open as a tab and let it run for the full amount of hours it needs to run for, typically 1 day.
Lastly, just for fun, you can use LMGTFY at http://lmgtfy.com. Once here, you can type in whatever you want to in the Search bar. Then click on search. Below that button, you will see a URL you can share with whomever you want and it will automate the search for them. Here is the URL when I typed in "Affiliates Media" in the search bar. Go to http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Affiliates+Media+ and see what it does live. It is really cool.
Reinstall Fee For Expired Sites Beginning January 1st
Shiftcode Server Maintenance / Pricing Changes
Network / Site Owners:Beginning Monday September 28th 2PM EST all sites will experience some down time. Networks and any sites that are hosted on a dedicated server will be the first sites to return then the rest of them. We are moving to new license servers.What does this mean?Beginning from October 1st, we are able to pass savings from hosting bills to Shift Code site owners that are using average resources. Your new monthly hosting and licensing fee for your site(s) will be reduced to $29.95 for invoice(s) generated after October 1st.
Shiftcode Price dropped a lot for one time set-up fee & by $10/month for hosting.
For sites that are using above average resources, we are unable to reduce the price just yet. We will continue our effort to reduce the cost and pass the savings back to you. Thank you for your continued support.We also have a new promotion plan that we will pay $50 for each new site sales generated from your referral link. Total fee for a new site is $89.95 including first month hosting. After that, it would be $29.95 unless the resource usage is above average.
For existing site owners who plan to open new site(s), we will add the $50 discount back to your account for credit that can be used for future payments.$50 affiliate bonuses / discounts will be paid on Net 60 terms.The new rates pertain to Shift Code sites ONLY – Performa pricing will remain the same.If you have any questions, please open a ticket within your account after you register an account at at Alisa Holdings Inc. or login if your have an account there!
BREAKING NEWS: NEW! ShiftCode GPT Site Special Announced!
- Shiftcode GPT Licensing and Hosting - Cost: $39.95 USD/monthly/Site + $210.00 USD One Time Setup Fee/Site (Wrong amount shown before check out but once in the chart you will see correct price)!
- ShiftCode GPT Offer Wall Installation - Cost: $50.00/One Time Setup Fee/Offer Wall (Offer Wall Installation To Your Shiftcode Hosted Site - Purchase 3 Offer Wall Installs & Get The 4th One Free).
- PerformaNetwork Affiliate Network Licensing and Hosting (Each and Every PerformaNetwork is integrated with ShiftCode GPT Sites so Admins can add offers really fast, easy, & you can post news for them to see in their ShiftCode Admin Panel as well - Cost: $349.95 USD Monthly/Site + $1999.95 USD One Time Setup Fee/Site (Shows correct price)!
- You may register a new domain, transfer an existing domain from your current provider to them, and/or pay the domain renewal which all have a yearly fee.
- When done with shopping you can "View Cart" and either pay via PayPal with your account or credit card.
NEW European Union (EU) laws
As a courtesy, Google has added a notice on Blogger, for those who have a blog hosted by them. The notice explains Google's use of certain Blogger and Google cookies, including use of Google Analytics and AdSense cookies.
You are responsible for confirming this notice actually works for your blog, and that it displays. If you employ other cookies, for example by adding third party features, this notice may not work for you. Learn more about this notice and your responsibilities at https://www.blogger.com/go/cookiechoices.
Reference of below instructions are at http://www.mybloggertricks.com/2015/07/Custom-Cookies-notification-for-European-Union-countries.html (in case you need more information).How to see the Notice if you are Outside European Union?
To see the notice if you’re outside of the EU, view your blog following the steps below:
- If you use a custom domain, you can use a EU IP Proxy address to browser your site. A Simple trick is to add the following string parameter just after your custom domain:
Genuine ShiftCode Powered GetPaidTo (GPT) Sites Master List [NEW! Updated 08/14/2020]
Genuine ShiftCode Powered GetPaidTo (GPT) Sites Master List1. www.BankRollBucks.com
[Only the Best Most Legitimate GPTs from the Long Term Best Loved, Most Powerful, Most Lucrative, and Most Secure Commercially Available GPT Site Script Available]
LIST UPDATED ON 08/14/2020 (alphabetized)
2. www.DollarClix.com
3. www.DollarsHunt.com
4. www.DollarRewardz.com
5. www.DollarsReward.com
6. www.GPTBee.com
7. www.GrindaBuck.com
8. www.HighestPayGPT.com
9. www.JillsClickCorner.com
10. www.KissMyCash.net
11. www.KeepRewarding.com
12. www.MadMoneyGPT.com
13. www.MySurveyVoice.com
14. www.OfferNation.com
15. www.OfferSauce.com
16. www.OneDayRewards.com
17. www.PeoplesGPT.com
27. www.PointDollars.com
18. www.Points4Rewards.com
19. www.PrizesLab.com
20. www.RewardingWays.com
21. ;www.RewardsGate.com
22. www.ShareCashGPT.com
23. www.SquishyCash.com
24. www.SuperPay.me
25. www.TikiTreasure.com
COPY THIS LIST AND USE AS YOU PLEASE: If ANYONE out there would like to take the above list, add their own referral links, and treat it as their own creation on their web site, blog, or anywhere else then I allow and encourage you to do so. The whole Idea of this list is to benefit and promote genuine ShiftCode powered sites and increase exposure of these sites. Please feel free to make the list your own! Only if you are going to continue calling a list of ShiftCode GPT sites please make sure that the list only contains genuine ShiftCode powered sites (common sense)
* site(s) noted with an asterisk '*' after their entry have been reportedly experiencing temporary difficulties of one type or another (unspecified here) and they are working on returning the site to full operation as quickly as the administration and staff of that site are able to (each site is independently owned and operated).
Setting up postback on AffTrack Network for a Shiftcode Site
Setting up postback on AffTrack Network for a Shiftcode SiteStep 1: In your admin panel under "Paid To Signup" click on "Affiliate Networks"
*Adopted from GPT Site Admins & Staff Connect Facebook Group by Christina Zoulek on July 28, 2014 at https://www.facebook.com/groups/gptadminsconnect/permalink/334394296722656/ (just in case you are curious). MUST work for a GPT company though to join this group!!!!***How to setup postback for an afftrack network****
The Master AffTrack Network list [NEW! Updated 08/14/2020]
The Master AffTrack Network list - adopted from http://www.affpaying.com/?s=afftrack.comFirst off, let me mention below:
Tracking Domain: | affdefender.com |
AffDefender is not just a tracking domain but also used for fraud protection for all AffTrack Powered Networks!
List Starts Now:
LAST UPDATED ON 08/14/2020
Adkonnect (No referral program)
Interested in starting your own network powered by Afftrack, Inc.? Then signup at http://my.afftrack.com/signup/ (No referral program). Plans start at just $299/month.
Affiliate Programs: Free Sponsors and Advertisers (thefreecountry.com)
It has lots of beginner information there as well. Nicely put together site.
BlinkWeb Affiliate Program
After you're signed up (free) and logged in then surf on over here where it says this:
Sign up below to get your unique Blinkweb affiliate link and start earning passive, residual income promoting Blinkweb. By promoting BlinkWeb, you'll earn a very nice recurring commission of 20%, 25%, or 30% per sale, depending on the level of overall sales you have achieved. Click here to learn how to increase your commission percentage.
If someone signs up for a free BlinkWeb account and decides to purchase a domain or hosting with them, you'll instantly earn 20%, 25%, or 30% of the price they paid for the subscription. You will also earn a commission for any backend sales made via Blinkweb. You will be paid every month for the entire lifetime of the customer! Obviously, there is the potential to earn ALOT of money via the Blinkweb affiliate program.
Commissions will be paid via PayPal on the 21st of each month, for the previous month's earnings. Commissions will be paid out when your total commission earned reaches $50. If your monthly commission has not reached $50, it will be carried over to the next month's commission amount.
Fill Out that Form to Become a BlinkWeb Affiliate
INEEDHITS.COM SEO SERVICES & AFFILIATE PROGRAM (with co-branding available, etc.)
The program provides an adequate amount of promotional banners, etc (but I truly wish there was more to choose from) They will also provide you with tracking links for specific products and landing pages, etc.
As far as I know they will only pay via bank transfer (no PayPal available as of yet)
The main site is available by clicking here
The free tools are available by clicking here (though the submission routine hasn't been attended to in ages and really needs some attention (don't bother)
Last but not least you can click here for information on their affiliate / reseller program - Enjoy!
Click here to download your free tools implementation guide (ZIP)
WARNING to Those ShiftCode GPT Admins Using the "GPTTweaks Easy One Click Facebook Promotion Mod"
Hello, this is Wesley B AKA 'Max P' the initial developer of the 'GPTTweaks.com Easy One Click Facebook Promotion Mod' - a short and simple (yet powerful) ShiftCode GPT script modification I originally posted freely on GPTTweaks.com I personally consider that mod a great success and it appeared to work perfectly adding new features up until today when it is approaching a sunset in its usefulness.
Recently, I read an article (section 5) which details changes Facebook is making concerning their 'Facebook Graph API 1.0' which Facebook is discontinuing on April 30th 2015. Please be aware that the 'GPTTweaks.com Easy One Click Facebook Promotion Mod' uses the Facebook Graph API 1.0' as a backbone function relying on it to facilitate the one click facebook post promotion feature.
When April 30th has come then the effect to GPT sites still using this mod may be as benign as the functionality of the mod simply losing the ability to post predefined promotional posts on behalf of the GPT site member (and nothing else affected) BUT with the FB Graph API no longer there and responsive then there is the potential that this situation may cause the 'Refer a Member' page/script of ShiftCode GPTs with the mod still installed to error out (losing the Refer a Member feature of your GPT)Yes, that would be bad enough (the page erroring out) but because I really don't truly know how ShiftCode script error handling really works exactly (it's always been 'behind the curtain' so to speak to outside coders) then errors on that one page may actually cause a site-wide 'SMARTY' error (an unhandled exception) In my own informed (somewhat) experienced (though intermediate and non-professional) coder opinion the chances of this relatively simple resulting error causing whole GPT sites to fail are remote (though still within the realm of possibility)
Hence, I am HIGHLY RECOMMENDING that ShiftCode GPT admins having GPTs that have this (one specific) mod installed start taking steps to return the mod affected code back to its original (pre-mod) state well before April 30th to avoid possible unexpected (or possible catastrophic - however unlikely) results!
The one mod I am speaking specifically (and only) about it located here linked to from GPTTweaks.com:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v_aX7EQTn8i3wuADBhijoxiM-u0VONuG-zlqly2bHuM/edit?usp=sharingI've suggested to William C (the current owner of the GPTTweaks site) to leave the link and information about the mod intact in order to assist those who wish to 'walk-back' their code step by step in reverse order (useful for those that have other modifications on that page/script that they don't want to lose by simple overwriting the modified page/script code with original ShiftCode code)
Though I've also suggested that an unmistakable warning be placed in proximity to that mod code and link that would warn NOT to install that particular mod on any new sties.
My main recommendation to correct any site using this mod would be to simply revert the modified code back to its original unmodified form.
This is actually the simplest way to make the potential issue go away. For those who followed the mod instructions entirely then you have retained a backup copy of the original code using the simple steps I outlined in the original mod instructions.
Simply overwrite the modded code in its entirety for that sub-script with the original unmodified code that was original to your site as was provided by ShiftCode (or that you had backed up prior to the mod application)
For those of you who failed to back up the original unmodified code before you applied the code (as was highly recommended in the mod instructions) then don't worry that much (it's really not a big deal) All you would need to do is obtain a copy of that script's original code either from ShiftCode itself or from a fellow GPT admin that is running an unmodified version of that sub-script (should be pretty easy to obtain)
Perhaps current ShiftCode (company) administration could possibly provide the original code for the one sub-script available for download for those in need of it (just a humble suggestion / request that I think would be a kind gesture)
Either that or anyone that has such code handy perhaps can reply to this post making it available to copy from here (?) I would have liked nothing more at this point under these circumstances to have been able to provide you all with a new and corrected version of the mod to simply replace it with but I haven't retained a test bed (my own ShiftCode GPT) that I could use at this point to properly develop a new version.
At that point I had a definite drive, passion, and enjoyment to improve the platform freely for the good of all ShiftCode admins. Today I still have drive and passion to help improve by way of still promoting GPTs and improving conditions for the site admin through my work at the affiliate network.Please note that this issue ONLY affects that ONE mod - the One Click Facebook Promotion Mod!
Rest assured that the other FREE mod available at GPTTweaks.com - the "MaxP Promo Codes Only for Active Members Mod" still works like a charm (restrict promo code redemption only to active members who have completed an offer recently based upon the jackpot system) and by my observations has been very successful and popular both with the admins and the GPT members alike.
Ok, bringing this notice to a close I would like to offer my own personal assistance with any issues you may be having with removing the soon to be offending mod by making myself available for free-of-charge email based support (or replies here on the forum) during reasonable hours at modhelp@freecashpro.com
I'm happy to help with any questions or clarifications you have or need but do not expect me to make personal appearances on a site by site basis to do the actual work of physically removing the mod for you for free. If you are truly in a bind and don't know what to do then don't fret - simply email me and I'll assist as best I can (I'll honestly give it my best for you)If you are facing some type of spaghetti situation or basket case that requires a lot of my personal one-on-one hand-holding or if you simply can't accomplish the removal task by other way then I may be willing to step in and save the day though please do know that in those circumstances then my time and sanity are available for HIRE (though relatively cheap still) to make the problem quickly go away for you.
Further background: Purportedly the reason why Facebook is sunsetting this API is that they no longer want external (to facebook) code "putting words in the facebook post-er's mouth" by predefining any of the content the third party developed script or app is posting in the facebook member's name via automated means (even if the facebook member initiated the causation of the post)
Commentary: I agree with the spirit of what facebook is seeking to do here (there's already way to much trickery and deception going on in the world with so many malevolent automated posting mechanisms) Though our simple helpful mod was the baby thrown out with the bathwater so to speak here
Since our GPTTweaks ShiftCode mod (above) used predefined content (whatever text you configured about your site when you installed the mod, the GPT member's referral link, etc) and was posting by automated means (even though the facebook member / your GPT member actually initiated the action of posting and it was actually acting as a convenience for the post-er) then that would fall into the facebook description of 'putting words in the post-er's mouth' and is a target as something facebook is seeking to stamp out by killing the API.
The newer APIs that are replacing the one they are removing revolve around new strict facebook rules that will force a script/app developer to get his/her code pre-approved by facebook and pledge to abide by certain best practices morals on how such apps/scripts should behave in relation to the facebook member.
Yes, I'm sad for our little GPT script mod but I really agree that facebook is going in a necessary direction with these new positive initiatives - don't you?
Totally FREE Hard Copy Mailed Website Magazine One Year Plus Print Subscriptions to Web and Internet Professionals! No Catch!
This magazine is where and how you keep ahead of the vicious competition! It's an edge I, myself, wouldn't want to be without! ...and it's TOTALLY FREE to you in print and/or digital (you choose) http://goo.gl/RYL9F5
Designed For:
- Internet Marketing Professionals
- Web Designers & Webmasters
- Bloggers
- Social Media Marketers
- Search Engine Marketers
Topics Include:
- Web Design & Development
- Internet Marketing
- Search Marketing & Optimization
- How To Monetize Your Website
- Practical E-commerce Information

Order Your FREE Website Magazine Subscription in Print / Hard Copy Form Here - Now!
GetPaidTo GPT Site Admins are Welcomed to Some Totally FREE and Very Effective Site Promotion
C'mon? It's Really a No Brainer Move that is Guaranteed to Increase Your GPT site's exposure to new levels in no time. Why not just DO IT NOW and get it over with (you'll see positive results almost immediately!)
Just a Few Minutes of Your Attention Once at Each has the Potential to Pay Off Many Fold in the Long Run! Translating Almost Instantly Into Positive Notoriety for Your Site (not to mention the back links that will get you a bit more respect in Google search results)

- Top Site Lists:
- Forums & Groups:
The afftrack Affiliate Network Platform has Launched!
Exciting News! www.afftrack.com - it looks like the robust professional afftrack affiliate network platform (electronic advertising / publishing / marketing / tracking) has officially launched after an extremely thorough extended stage of testing and tweaking.
This platform rocks! Check out the sharp new web site. It looks like they are currently accepting new clients with monthly rate plans starting as low as $99 and FREE to start and try!
I feel wholly confident in recommending afftrack as this is the same network platform made famous by CPAWay where they've been using it most successfully for years now.
FREE Very Powerful Robust Feature Packed Ad Serving Script!
Download Revive Adserver (the new version of the old OpenX)
http://www.revive-adserver.com/download/For those with their own domain(s) and hosting account you have the option of easily installing Revive Adserver in a sub folder on one of your domains and enjoying a fully featured professional ad server acting as a global banner rotator for all of your web sites!
You can define ad zones for various spots on your web sites (and/or your 'publisher's' sites) and then manage all your campaigns, banners, and zones from a single central interface!
The script also includes power user options like banner 'weighting' where you can give certain more important banner ads more priority over the others in the rotation.
The script also keeps track of your 'advertisers' and you can assign costs to impressions, etc. (and they can have their own independent account to log in to and manage !)
The install is extremely simple. All you do is make a new folder off of your domain (example: 'ads'), upload all the files there, and then simply surf on over to that folder when you are through to breeze through the super simple and short (no brainer) automated install and configuration procedure. The only thing that may be considered a little tiny bit complicated (if you are a total noob installing scripts) would be creating a new MySQL database and username.
I am just SO glad that I stumbled upon this script (I had thought I was doomed to using an old unsupported version of OpenX left over from 2008) This new script version is dated 2014 and is well documented in the admin panel and heavily supported at their home site. The script is totally FREE! Just FYI ;-)
ShiftCode GPT & Performa Network Paired Script Provider Service Companies Sold to Well Known and Liked Confident & Competent Purchaser!
Yes, a matter of days ago from today both popular GPT script provider and integrated affiliate network script / platform provider ShiftCode and Performa were sold as a a pair for an undisclosed amount of money to a well known and well liked mover and shaker in the get paid to site and CPA affiliate network industries.
ShiftCode continues to be the one most popular, well known, and trusted GPT site script the online get paid to industry has ever known. Likewise, the fully ShiftCode GPT site script Performa network platform (also a script) get’s an infusion of new blood and ideas from the new owner.
The entire industry thanks all those involved in the original development, evolution, continual improvement, defense (don’t ask), and continuance of both of these superior platforms.
…to be continued
Genuine ShiftCode GPT Site Admins are Invited to Join Our Private GPT Site Admins & Staff Connect FB Group
If you are a genuine ShiftCode GPT site admin then you are welcomed to apply for access to our private Faceboo group only for GPT site admins & staff. We call the group “GPT Site Admins & Staff Connect” and it’s classified as a ‘closed group’ which means that membership is not open to the public at large.
In order to be considered for entry into the group you must declare (and later prove) your connection to your specific GPT site(s) by sending an email to adminsconnectgroup@freecashpro.com in which you will list each GPT site you are either an administrator / owner or high level staff at while also providing a link to your Facebook profile and listing your name.
If you are indeed a GPT admin then you will definitely find this group extremely helpful. Our group currently is populated by over 50 fellow GPT admins.
Handling the Temporary Internal Incoming Email Outage on Your ShiftCode GPT Site
Recently I had the chance to organize me thoughts concerning the recent internal incoming email outage affecting ShiftCode GPT sites by responding to a posted question on the ShiftCode Official Facebook Group.
Q: The main site seems to be down and so is the e-mail client. Can anyone help please? Thank You
A: Addressing the GPT internal incoming email outage (likely temporary) - the attitude I've taken is that since GPT site domain based internal incoming email doesn't fall into the 'mission critical' category (with me) then I've simply configured my 'From E-mail' in the ShiftCode admin panel (right side menu Main > Configure > E-mail) to a free Gmail based email address.
This assures me that I'll still get system notifications from the GPT script while also providing a viable uninterrupted 'from' email address that's reachable during the temporary email outage (once you've changed this email address field then all of your member email notifications from the system will also appear to be coming from this new email address (it's always been 'spoofing' whatever email address you poke in here))
Don't feel shy about promoting the extra temporary email address because when the built-in domain email service comes back then you can just forward the temp email account messages back to the old domain based email account
If you do decide to just stick with the free email account (Gmail, Hotmail, etc) then know that you're not losing or trading much off here. The email address is just there to provide a viable return message path as a return email address to all your GPT's system messages to the member and to provide you (the admin) with messages from the GPT script as to what's happening on your GPT (notice of withdrawals, inbox messages, etc.)
I'm quite comfortable just using my Gmail based email address for as long as the outage lasts.
Last things to consider might include:
1) notifying your members via a mass email blast (yes, the mass email function still works just fine) of the temporary email outage condition while offering up the new email address for them to white list and use for any and all near future email contact attempts to your GPT administration; and
2) if the email outage persists then slowly make a round to change (or add) the new temp email address to any affiliate network, service provider (ProxStop, etc) and payment processor accounts (PayPal, etc)
For those who are searching for true alternatives to the built-in domain email provided by ShiftCode then here's is an article that I ran across concerning free options (though I don't know how old the information in the article is still accurate):
What Should I Do Now that Google Apps Accounts Are No Longer Free? [http://lifehacker.com/.../what-should-i-do-now-that... ]
Another option is to use your own domain hosting account for email hosting only (while ShiftCode hosts the actual domain - see the MX records statement below))
If you do choose to use an alternate domain email provider then you will ultimately likely need to contact ShiftCode to make the necessary domain 'MX record' (mail exchange) changes for you (since ShiftCode IS your 'DNS' provider if your name servers are ns1.shiftcode.com, etc. - highly likely)
[Please feel free to inbox me if you're confused or need assistance with any of this (though note I am NOT ShiftCode staff) I'm almost always happy to help freely as my spare time permits]
Enhancing the Look and Readability of Your ShiftCode GPT Site Offer Listings Using Simple HTML Techniques
The ShiftCode GPT script often astounds me with its power and flexibility. Today I simply got curious and decided to test and see what, if any, HTML elements I could add to a standard offer listing. While I found out that there was nothing whatsoever I could do with the offer title, the offer ‘Requirements’ field is a whole different story.
Instead of piecing the instructions out for each tag used I thought it may be better to give you some credit for being able to figure it out from an example along with the code I used (below) Please note that while we are entering HTML code into the requirements field then I am not using the actual ‘HTML’ box also available there (explaining that would be much more complicated since in that box you are also including the HTML code for the actual offer mechanics as well) Yes, I added all of this (following) code into the one-line ‘Requirements’ field.
Enhancing Your ShiftCode GPT Site Offer Listings is Simple Using Standard HTML Techniques!<hr color="#000080" size="1" width="66%">For example, adding text in <b>bold</b>, <i>italics</i>, <u>underlined</u>, <strike>strikethrough</strike>, colors (<font color="#FF0000">Red</font>, <font color="#0000FF">Blue</font>, <font color="#00FF00">Green</font>) and <sub>sub</sub>/<sup>superscript</sup> is a nice way to add a little flavor to your plain Jane listings. Also, please note that ShiftCode also apparently allows you to add <a href="http://www.Disney.com/">hyperlinks</a> and images such as this smiley <img border="0" src="http://paidthebest.com/images/shout/emoticons/tongue.gif" width="20" height="20" hspace="2" vspace="2" alt="Smiley Face Description" title="Smiley Face Description"> face that I borrowed from my shoutbox. Another interesting thing is the use of bulleted lists such as this list below:<br><ul><li>List Item One</li><li>List Item Two</li></ul>
Please note that when I enter this text and HTML code into the ‘Requirements’ field that each and every actual line break will result in a line break in your listing so every time that you hit <return> in your code means that it’s dropping down a line. Instead I avoid hitting return and simply edit the entire code block as a single line and I insert “<br>” to introduce any hard line breaks when I want them. The above code example if I were to paste it into notepad with ‘wordwrap’ turned off then it would equal one extremely long line of code with no breaks though be aware that there IS a line length limit that I ran across eventually here.
- Changing font faces (Times New Roman, Georgia, etc) doesn’t seem to work as well as anything using a “<span>” tag or “<p>” (paragraph) tag.
- A long time ago I got used to using the now outdated severely Microsoft FrontPage 2003 HTML editor to easily produce WYSIWYG (like a word processor) HTML results. If you are the creative type then yes, FrontPage is still available for download here and there online (though I actually purchased it back in the day – so I don’t feel bad) Also, there are other very good HTML editors that are still supported and available for download available more legitimately today. But remember folks, this is all oh so simple and the HTML tags are documented well all over the internet (just Google them) Yes, if I had to figure this all out off the top of my head without an HTML editor then yes, that would be fine with me only it would take much longer.
Why I Wont EVER Log in As the Admin (you) On Your Site While Attempting to Help You With an Issue, Code Modification, or Coding Error, etc. on Your Site
I hasn’t yet happened to me though I had been warned from several people who service the GPT and affiliate network industries of horror stories in which a person was truly trying (with an open and pure heart) to help someone with some type of coding situation on their site – in a trustworthy manner.
The person needing the help just can’t seem to make the necessary correction to the configuration or some type of coding change and begs the person helping them to log in as them (the one and only admin account) The person needing the help then transmits their admin log in information over to the person helping and the problem is solved – cool beans right?
Well not exactly according to these rumors / horror stories that have found their way to my sensitive ears. It seems that the first time that there is something wrong noticed, money missing, money added to an account, or something crashed then the first person that get’s blamed is that person the was being thanked oh so many times and so strongly earlier in the day, week, month, or year. The person who helped.I’m almost always happy to help anyone that’s nice with a GPT, network. script, or PC issue (yes, I fix neighbor and friend PC issues here locally too - lol) Almost always entirely for free just because I’m good at it and I enjoy helping.
Please don’t ever ask me to log in as you in any admin account though – I simply won’t do it. Sure, yes, I’ll do my best at describing what YOU need to do but I won’t ever go in and do it for you (under an admin account) …the above blame-game that I’ve been warned of is why.
I’d much rather stay beyond reproach and never having known how to access it than to risk ending up any sort of suspect in something that I wouldn’t ever do – That’s all.
I’m happy to help in any way I can usually…
Please Just Don’t Ask Me to Log In As You.
Use Your ShiftCode GPT's Built In Banner Advertisement Features to Manage Ad Space on Your Other Sites and Blogs !
No, your banner rotation and side panel ads that are currently only displayed on your GPT site are not stuck being ONLY displayed on your GPT site - there are so many other possibilities if you just apply a bit of creativity and a bit of coding savvy to the situation.
Not only can you start selling ad space on other web sites (that you own or have coding access to) on your GPT site but you can also add much greater value to the ad space your are already selling on your GPT by also being able to promise the prospective ad space buyer that their ad(s) will also simultaneously be displayed on other popular sites as well.
(Probably Not for Total Newbies or Complete Coding Beginners)In this article I will focus on the 'Side Panel' ad function but these techniques can easily be adapted to the 'Banner Rotation' function as well. In fact with the Banner Rotation function you have the added flexibility of multiple ad banner rotation 'Groups' with which you can even separate out for ad purchasers as being targeted to specific sites or groups of sites where their banners will be in rotation other than on your GPT!
Ok, for starters, let me show some examples of how the side panel ad group will appear on multiple sites as I have them configured now: Below, first here is how the side panel ad group appears on my own GPT site (within the members only area only (you must be a registered PaidTheBest.com member in good standing and logged in to see the side panel ads) as I currently have it configured) Then there are the additional places those very same side panel ads are automatically appearing since I've added them to these other sites (click on the images to actually go to the site at the position they appear):
The technique we'll be using to make the side panel ads appear on the other web sites involves making one (or several - if needed) new pages on your GPT site that ONLY displays the side panel ads widget (only) and then we'll be creating code on your other web site(s) that will show only the portion of your new GPT site page containing the ads using the HTML tag iframe A few things that I want to mention first here that are either things to keep in mind while constructing your 'flavor' of how you're doing this or are options to consider so that you can gear your roll-out in a certain direction:
The Side Panel Ads As They Already Appear in Standard Manner on My Own PaidTheBest.com GPT The Ads in the Right Side Panel of HomeCash.org The Ads in the Left Side Panel of FreeCashOnlineTopSiteList.com The Ads in the Left Side Panel of GetPaidTo.org (only with a different background – accomplished by simply making another new ‘ads page’ on your GPT that has the different colors and/or background and then referencing THAT page in the iframe statement on that specific site)
- You can either stick with a single ads page in a generic 'vanilla' style (to reference on all the site(s) you’ll be adding the ads to) or make multiple new ads pages to accommodate the themes (colors and background, etc) on each site you'll be applying the ads to.
- You have the option of making the ads purchasable outside of your GPTs member area (ad customers don't need to register or log in to your GPT site in order to just make the purchase and add the ad banner specifics) but I would NOT recommend this as if someone does make an ad purchase this way then they'll have no way of checking the ad's stats, editing the ad in the future, changing the ad to something completely different if they so choose in the future, or conveniently extending extending the ad just by paying for more time (rather than having to re-enter the entire thing)
The instructions I provide (further below) will be geared towards having the purchaser register as a GPT member before purchasing ads though if you would like to open up non-member purchases simply un-check the "Members Only: Yes members only can purchase ads" under Admin Panel > Side Panel (lower left side menu) > Configure- While you are on that page (above) [Admin Panel > Side Panel (lower left side menu) > Configure] then take a look at those other options. I'd' suggest setting "Members only" as checked (see above), "Ads" as "Images Only" (just to keep the amount of space the side panel widget takes up more constant and predictable), "Advertisement Link" to "Auto Fill" so that it shows the 'Advertise your banner here.' link ins unfilled spaces, "Force 120x60" DEFINITELY CHECKED, and "Randomize" I'll leave up to you as to what you prefer - Don't forget to hit "Update" to save your changes - all as follows:
The Actual Procedure:
- In your GPT's Admin Panel in the lower portion of the right side menu then find and click on 'Pages'; and
- In the top left of the page click ‘Add Page’; and
- In the upper ‘General’ area generally do this (below) Note that the ‘Path’ and ‘Name’ entries are whatever you’d like for them to be though we want the ‘Template’ to be ‘None’, the ‘Edit Mode’ to be ‘Textarea’ (for entering code) and the ‘Access’ to be ‘Everyone’:
- Ok, here is the code that I put into my page but you may want to edit a few things (like the URLs referring to my PaidTheBest.com GPT, the background image URL (don’t leach off of mine! …or I may just change that image to a porno pic if I notice people leaching from my server – lol) but seriously, here is my code for that new page that will show ONLY the side panel ads section on basically an otherwise blank page:
<base target="_blank">
</head><body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" link="#CCCCCC" vlink="#999999" alink="#C0C0C0" text="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#000000">
<div align="left">
<table border="1" width="180" height="800" bgcolor="#000000" background="http://paidthebest.com/images/BlackGrillebg.gif">
<td align="center">
<div class="header">
<font color="#FFFF00">
<font size="1">
<div class="box">
{~include file="_side_display"~}
<font size="1" color="#FFFFFF">
<font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 7pt">
This Box Displays Ads
That Were<br>
Purchased at
<font color="#FFCCCC">
<a href="http://www.PaidTheBest.com/">
<font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 7pt">
PaidTheBest.com GPT
<font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 7pt">
<font color="#FFFF00" style="font-size: 7pt">
<font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 7pt">
If You<br>
Are Interested In
Advertising Here Very<br>
Then Please Feel Free to<br>
a Side Panel Banner Ad
<font color="#FFCCCC">
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.PaidTheBest.com/">
<font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 7pt">
PaidTheBest.com GPT
<font color="#FFFF00" style="font-size: 7pt">
<font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 6pt">
Prices Start as Low As
<font color="#FFFF00" style="font-size: 6pt">
$1.49 Per Month
<font color="#FFFFFF" style="font-size: 6pt">
</b>and Are Shown Both On
PaidTheBest.com and Here!
Note: Yes, there is a lot more code than is absolutely necessary above but I thought that some may want to customize the extra code and ‘make it theirs’ so I left it in. The extra text statements in there may be entirely omitted but whatever you do don’t get rid of the <head> section (shich makes the ad links open in a new window by default for the whole page – instead of the links opening up within that little iframe window (oops)) and the <body> statement (which zeros the margins, etc.) Also, the ‘include’ code line in black font color and bolded is the meat and potatoes (absolutely necessary) statement of this whole code (that is where the actual side panel widget is called up.)
Now the main gist of the above page code is to display the side panel ads in the upper leftmost area of the page (with zero margins) and NOT USING your GPT site’s template (unless your GPT site’s template is the same as the scheme on the page on the other web site that will be displaying your ads – fat chance) You want to adjust the background color or image on this new ad page to blend in with the theme of the page you will be displaying the ads on. You also want the zero margins so that when you code the iframe window on the other site that will in effect be peeking through to this ad page that the dimensions and location of these ads are predictable and basically remain the same – get it? So here is the resulting page from the above code (adjust things as YOU need them for your needs – this is what I needed (if you need help with adjusting this stuff then feel free to contact me and I’ll help as I can):![]()
Another thing is that you should be able to view your new page while not being logged in as a member on your GPT now. For example the above page for my GPT can be viewed by anyone (even you – now) at: http://paidthebest.com/adpage (try mine and then try yours)
Ok, with that one part of creating the new page done then let’s switch gears over to the site where you want the ads to appear (most likely in the side panel of that site) I’m going to start with a new heading and a new list of steps for this new part of the project (though know that the harder parts of this project are over if you’ve reached this point) – congrats!
Ok, since all of the steps above led towards my adding my GPTs side panel ads onto the side panel of my GPT referral blog HomeCash.org then it only seems logical to me to continue with the demonstrations pointed there. Ok, please take a look generally at my site at http://www.HomeCash.org then take a look specifically at the place in the right sidebar where the GPT sidebar ads start (which conveniently will be here): http://www.homecash.org/#ptbads (no big trick, I just inserted a HTML ‘bookmark’ tag just before the ad code there.
That little bookmark code (above) only amounts to this <a name="ptbads"></a>) though it’s NOT a necessary part of this project – but it COULD BE handy if you want to direct your prospective ad buyers on your GPT to the site(s) at the position where their ads will appear (wink)) …more about this little HTML URL bookmark trick later.
Notice where the ads are placed on the sidebar. Decide where you want to place your similar sidebar ads from your GPT. Ok, now were down to editing code on the new target site. Now not being psychic (at least with YOUR source code, script, or site) I cannot tell you where to place the code for the ads when you are likely staring at all that gibberish ‘Greek to me’ code (depending on what coding level you’ve reached) but I can tell you that if your target site is a popular free script based site such as Blogger.com, or a WordPress site (or the like) then this may be a whole lot easier on you. With those types of script based sites then all you have to look for what’s called a ‘gadget’ (that’s named “HTML/JavaScript” in Blogger.com) or a ‘widget’ (that’s simply named “Text” in WordPress) ad add them to your sidebar in your layout and then add the code into the gadget or widget after that.
Ok, getting down to the code (which is actually really simple) and short but is does a lot! Ok, are you ready – here’s the code:
<iframe src="http://www.paidthebest.com/adpage" width="180" height="800" scrolling="no"></iframe>
</center>Yes, that’s right, you would need to replace the URL of my site “paidthebest.com” with the URL of your site (and page name if it’s different than ‘adpage’) but basically that’s all that’s to it !
Also, if you want to be able to have a URL bookmark reference the exact position where these ads start on the site you are adding the ads to then add this bookmark code just above the code up there (on top of the <center> statement): <a name="ptbads"></a> (oh, and you can rename “ptbads” to anything you want) Then to call that bookmark (like from where you are telling your ad buyers about where their ads will show by posting a link) simply call it like this:http://www.yourssitecontainingtheads.com/#ptbads
…and it will take them right to the start (top) of the ads and all you have to do is to tell them to look left or look right.All done! Now go and test it out and if you have any problems that seem insurmountable then don’t worry! Simple, non-site specific questions? - Please feel free to either post a question in the form of a post below the facebook post where I mentioned this modification (whatever / wherever brought you here) OR post a question in a comment to this blog post here on GPTTweaks.com…
Ok, feel free to either consult your own favorite local coder or (as a last resort please) you can email me at gpttweaks@freecashpro.com (telling me your GPT site name & URL, your own name, and all the details (including any error messages or places where you’re confused – and I need specifics here before I even begin to think about what your issue may be or even contact you back!)If you feel like more than ‘saying’ thank you then yes, PayPal is much appreciated and graciously accepted in any amount large or small (all is appreciated) at admin@paidthebest.com – Thank You !
Enjoy !
P.S.; (about contacting me) DO NOT make the mistake of getting mad at me because you are somehow feeling entitled to my free help! I’m a busy guy and I help as I can and feel good about. You play nice and I play nice. You piss me off then you can just forget it all and go out and hire and pay for a programmer (and I can care less – you have a nice life!) Take a flying leap…
PLEASE Don’t get me wrong here - I just LOVE helping equally nice people with subjects such as improving their GPT site… But if you turn into an asshole on me then don’t expect me to coward down to you – expect a big door leading to a huge room full of all types of FREE help (so to speak) to SLAM SHUT in your face! Permanently! (I’m only saying this now after being subjected to several horrendous situations (unbelievable) from people demanding my free help while also being offensive idiots – some using demands as their opening contact move with me)