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Hey !?! Where Did My Favorite Performa Networks Go? (Upgraded Platform - Read)

Hey, where did my favorite Performa networks go?  Yes, if you are looking for RedFireNetwork, ProLeadsMedia, OffersRevenue, 1stClassLeads, and LeadCounts then please know that they have all upgraded their network platform (site script) from Performa to the much more proven, robust, and professional AffTrack network platform (the platform CPAWay has tested true for years now)

If you are still using older bookmarked links and shortcuts then you may see an error with those but if you simply go to the straight URL (,,,, and then you should be able to connect.

NOTE: Present and new publishers and advertisers alike will need to register anew!

Yes, these networks really haven't gone anywhere, they've all simply received a platform upgrade (and you'll just need to update your bookmarks and shortcuts) [wink]

On a related note NorthAffiliates (formerly GalaxyLeads) has now become under their own new proprietary platform.

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