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Increase Your GPT Site's Staying Power in Tough Server Trying Times By Entering All Available ShiftCode Name Servers!

In times when sites are having problems with ShiftCode hosting for one reason or another then wouldn't you want to help your site remain stable amongst all the sites being served?  If your domain registrar (GoDaddy, Network Solutions, allows you to add more than two name servers (standard default minimum number) then I'd suggest you add as many name servers as is allowed (up to the given six)

Please notice all the additional name servers that ShiftCode has just released in their brand new site management panel located by logging in to your account at  It's not required and yes, your site will get by with just the default minimum two name servers and though wouldn't you want to provision your GPT site with the best possible fighting chance available to weather a proverbial storm if /when one happens?
Ok, enough said.  Below is a list of all available name servers ShiftCode currently has made available to you:
  • Name Servers
Add as many name servers as your registrar allows - some allow only two, others four, while still others allow a much larger number though you will want to stop at ns6 because that is all ShiftCode is providing at the moment.

The addition of the new name servers has to do with increased load balancing capabilities.  Think about it, the same name servers serve hundreds of sites - most of them currently only pointing to ns1 and ns2.  By adding the more than just the two you are adding the capability of your site to switch among more additional name servers in the rare case when the first two become bogged down or become unresponsive (in which case those sites relying only on the first two may be dumped into the abyss of server error-land.)

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