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Get Rid of the Duplicate Entries on your Last Credited List

This simple change will make it so that your Last Credited Offers only displays each offer completion only once on the list. This is extremely useful for sites that have many members attracted mostly to certain offers (such as easy site "vote" offers, etc.)

{~include file="_pts_lastCredited" limit=100 unique=1~}

Notice the "unique=1" part - that's what does it.

Also, the  "limit=100" sets how many last credited offers you want to show (in my case I have it set to 100 because I have it showing in a scrolling box (which is defined in your template's CSS file.  If you don't know how to make your box a scrolling list then simply contact me and I'll be glad to guide you Though I do have plans on adding the scrolling technique here shortly (probably within a few days or so.)

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